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what use of relevant nautical terms

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Q: Nautical terms and phrases used by sailors?
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Is the nautical star a racist tattoo?

No, not at all, it was used for sailors to find their way home safely

Does a nautical star tattoo on each arm mean you are gay?

Not necessarily. It means whatever you want it to mean. It was originated by sailors who commonly used the stars to guide their way home. They used the nautical star tattoo to help symbolize a safe trip home.

What is the meaning of cooking term?

Cooking terms are words and phrases that are used in the activity of cooking.

What is the meaning of a nortic star tattoo?

I think you may mean nautical star, if so then that is a tattoo tha sailors used to get. It symbolises guidance or good luck on a long journey.

What does a nautical star tattoo on the inside of a leg symbolize?

The nautical star is a very old modern tattoo, going back at least a century or more. Back in the days of yore, before modern navigation, sailors would navigate in part by the stars in the night skies, in particular the North Star in the Northern Hemisphere, and various other constellations of stars in the night sky. In the Southern Hemisphere, sailors had to use different stars and the Southern Cross became quite well-known. Sailors would then tattoo nautical stars on them because they relied on the stars to take them home, and being superstitious, they hoped their star tattoos would get them home safely as well. Compass stars are also popular for this reason. The nautical stars were originally used by sailors to help guide their way as they sailed through the night. They relied upon the stars to protect them and bring them home safely. A lot of soldiers get nautical stars for the same It is a symbol of protection and guidance. It was a very popular tattoo among sailors. So a case could be made that the nautical star tattoo, or a tattoo of any star for that matter, would be a symbol of guidance. Now as time has passed the nautical stars represent the direction of one's life, for those of us who are not sailors but still need guidance. Some say that if the nautical star is pointed upwards they have a higher outlook on life and so on. The meaning of the Nautical star is to create your own path, but use the stars as a guide when you are lost or scared.

What map would a sailor use?

The Mercator projection is the standard for nautical navigation.

What is a tide called when it is especially weak?

A tide that is especially weak is known as a neap tideThere are two terms/phrases that are used to describe the periods of weak tides. These terms are low tide and the phrase of "the tide is out." The opposing terms/phrases are high tide and "the tide is in."its called neapNeap tideNeap Tideneap.

What does a purple nautical star symbolize?

The nautical star is a very old modern tattoo, going back at least a century or more. Back in the days of yore, before modern navigation, sailors would navigate in part by the stars in the night skies, in particular the North Star in the Northern Hemisphere, and various other constellations of stars in the night sky. In the Southern Hemisphere, sailors had to use different stars and the Southern Cross became quite well-known. Sailors would then tattoo nautical stars on them because they relied on the stars to take them home, and being superstitious, they hoped their star tattoos would get them home safely as well. Compass stars are also popular for this reason. The nautical stars were originally used by sailors to help guide their way as they sailed through the night. They relied upon the stars to protect them and bring them home safely. A lot of soldiers get nautical stars for the same It is a symbol of protection and guidance. It was a very popular tattoo among sailors. So a case could be made that the nautical star tattoo, or a tattoo of any star for that matter, would be a symbol of guidance. Now as time has passed the nautical stars represent the direction of one's life, for those of us who are not sailors but still need guidance. Some say that if the nautical star is pointed upwards they have a higher outlook on life and so on. The meaning of the Nautical star is to create your own path, but use the stars as a guide when you are lost or scared.

What is the origin of the term rip-rap?

rip rap could have been used as a nautical term by sailors during the 1600's. It meant "stretch of rippling water" caused under water formations.

What are the most common designs for chest tattoos?

Chest tattoos can be as varied as their owners. The most popular designs are frequently nautical and used by sailors. Dragons and birds, especially eagles, also figure prominently.

Meaning of the eight point nautical star?

It was a symbol used by sailors long ago; it's symbolic of their faith that they will find their way home safely. ie: North Star Commonly, today; It's symbolic of finding one's way in life.

Why is nautical miles used in Boeing 777?

Nautical Miles or Knots are used throughout Aviation, not just on the 777.