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That basically refers to a programming language that has support for conditional statements (if), code repetition (while, for, ...), and subroutine or function calls. Most modern language have that. The term is also sometimes used for languages that do NOT work with OOP. Actually OOP includes the structured programming concepts mentioned above, but it includes a few other things, too.

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12y ago

Well structured programming is mainly used because

* it is easy to use a segment of code at various places as compared to rewrite the entire code again.

* it is easy to understand by other user except the programmer .

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11y ago

Without structured programming, all programming would be procedural, with a myriad jump and goto statements resulting in spaghetti code that is difficult to read and difficult to maintain. Structured programming, as its name suggests, adds structure to the programming, by adding structured loops, subroutines and procedure calls. By eliminating the need for jumps and goto statements, code is easier to read and easier to maintain. Machine code and assembly language are both examples of procedural languages, which results in spaghetti code even when compiled from a structured language.

Object-oriented programming extends structured programming by combining data and the methods that operate upon that data into a single, self-contained entity (an object) that completely looks after itself. There is no such thing as an object in the resultant machine code, however, like structured programming, objects are merely an aid to programming.

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Is structured programming an OOP principle?

No. Structured programming came before object-oriented programming. Most OOP languages make use of structured programming, but only because they were already using structured principals, not because they now use OOP principals.

What are the disadvantages of object oriented programming over structured programming?

actually oop concept have some disadvantage when compared to structured programming

What are the limitation of structured programming?

By itself, structured programming does not support the notion of a function call. This is achieved through an extension of structured programming known as procedural programming. Object-oriented programming extends procedural programming such that data and the functions that operate upon the data can be encapsulated within an object.

What Example of structured programming?

C is a structured programming language. PHP, COBOL is also a structured programming language. These languages follow a top down approach.

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Object-oriented programming is a more recent subset of structured programming. Structured programming emphasized the need to align data structures with program structure, a concept that is formalized and carried much further in object-oriented programming. However, structured programming advocated hierarchical constraints on program structure that are incompatible with the event-driven, message-passing software architectures commonly implemented in the object-oriented style, today.

What are the Structured programming languages?

In Structured Programming also known as Modular Programming Each Method(function) is structured itself. Such logical structure make programming more efficient and easy to understand. it employs Top-Down design model.

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when you divide a long program or problem into small small understandable parts that means modular structured programming. In the consequences of c programming modular structured programming called to divide a long program into small small, and easy to understand functions. Garcha UFV, Canada

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