

Negatively charged particles

Updated: 8/16/2019
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Electrons are the negatively charged particles in atoms. This is not an entertainment and arts question.

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Q: Negatively charged particles
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Which of the following particles is negatively charged?

An electron is negatively charged.

What negatively charged particles are responsible for the flow electricity?

Electrons are the negatively charged particles to which the flow of electricity is attributed.

What negatively charged particles are responsible for the flow of electricity?

Electrons are the negatively charged particles to which the flow of electricity is attributed.

The likely location of the negatively charged particles in an atom is called an?

The negatively charged particles of an atom are in an outer shell.

Negatively charged particles are called what?

Negatively charged particles are called electronsI'M SURE BELIEVE ME !!!!electrons are charged -1 and protons are charged +1.

Is it true that the negatively charged particles of an atom are nuetrons?

No. The negatively charged particles of an atom are called electrons. Neutrons have a neutral charge.

What is the name of tiny negatively charged particles that surround the nucleus of an atom?

the negatively charged particles that surround the nucleus of an atom are electrons.

The likely location of the negatively charged particles in an atom is called a?

the negatively charged particle is an element

What is a Negatively charged particle's?

Negatively charged particles in an atom are known as electrons.

Lectrons are charged particles?

yes,electrons are negatively charged.

2 subatomic particles have the same charge?

Protons and positrons both have a positive charge, with a charge of +1.

When positively charged particles and negatively charged particles attract each other the substance is?
