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Hyperpolarize the Membrane

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Q: Neurotransmitters categorized as inhibitory would not be expected to?
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The condition that produces inhibition at a synapse is called what?

Neurotransmitters diffuse across the synaptic cleft (a very short distance) and bind to receptor proteins on the postsynaptic membrane. Excitatory neurotransmitters cause sodium ions to move through receptor proteins depolarizing the membrane. Inhibitory neurotransmitters do not depolarize the postsynaptic membrane. Thus, the condition that would produce inhibition at synapse is called HYPERPOLARIZATION.

What is inhibitory effect?

Inhibitory effect refers to the action of slowing down or preventing a biological process from occurring. In the context of pharmacology, it can refer to the ability of a drug to reduce or block a specific physiological response in the body. Inhibitory effects can vary in strength and specificity depending on the substance or mechanism involved.

Certain mental problems are thought to be caused by not having enough neurotransmitters. Why would a lack of neurotransmitters cause problems?

Neurotransmitters send signals from neuron to neuron

If drug A antagonizes an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the Central Nervous System of a patient the most likely effect would be what?

Jittery - your taking away the inhibitory element with the antagonist.

Why would a lack of neurotransmitters cause problems?

neurotransmitters send signals from neuron to neuron

What would Christianity be categorized as?

Christianity is categorized as the Christian religion, which is founded on the life and teachings of Jesus.

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Glue is categorized as an inhalant drug.

How would Roman architecture be categorized?

Suck my toe

A psychophysicist would be most directly concerned with?

the effect of neurotransmitters on depression

Why would a lack of neurotransmitters change the function of the brain?

signals travel from neuron to neuron through neurotranmitters

Will there be an 22nd century?

We cannot tell the future, but it would be expected that there should be.We cannot tell the future, but it would be expected that there should be.We cannot tell the future, but it would be expected that there should be.We cannot tell the future, but it would be expected that there should be.We cannot tell the future, but it would be expected that there should be.We cannot tell the future, but it would be expected that there should be.We cannot tell the future, but it would be expected that there should be.We cannot tell the future, but it would be expected that there should be.We cannot tell the future, but it would be expected that there should be.We cannot tell the future, but it would be expected that there should be.We cannot tell the future, but it would be expected that there should be.

What would happen if the enzymes that break down neurotransmitters were not present at a given synapse?
