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They going to sleep

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Q: New Year's Day What do people do on this day?
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Japanese wear kimono on new years day

What celebrations do British people have?

We celebrate Easter, Christmas, New Years Eve, New Years Day, Bonfire Night and Halloween, some people also celebrate Lent and Thanksgiving but not that many.

Is New Year's Day a business day?

New Years is not a business day. People get a public holiday on 1st January, even if the date falls on a weekday.

When is New Years day?

New Years Day is on the first day of the year, January 1st!

What day is the first day?

New years

What day was it on New Year's Day 1957?

New years day 1957 was a Tuesday.

what day is new year day on?

New Years Day is on the 31st of December.Which is 6 Days after Christmas Day

New years day in 2008?

New years day in 2008 was Tuesday, January 1st.

When is new years day 2011?

Saturday ^^^WRONG ! New years day 2011 is SUNDAY !

What is the first day of the year called?

New years is called new years day

What day of the week was New Year's Day on in 1971?

New years day in 1971 was a Friday.

What day was New Year's Day 1983?

New years day 1984 was a Sunday.