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You shouldn't be feeding it puppy food. Puppies have different nutritional needs to cats, so your puppy food might have vegetables and grains in it. Cats and kittens are what's called "obligate carnivores" which means they should only eat meat, eggs and dairy (mostly meat!). Get some kitten food from the pet store as soon as possible, or your kitten won't get the right nutrients it needs to grow.

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Q: New kitten and its was fin but after a 2 or-3 days its poop got runny iam feeding it puppy food with water in it what am i doing rong?
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I've never had a cat before and this cat is a very small kitten and it has runny poop will it die?

If the kitten has runny stool or diarrhea for any length of time, then yes, the kitten could in fact die. A kitten (especially a very young one) with diarrhea can get very dehydrated very quickly and that can easily become fatal. If the kitten is weaned, try feeding it some cooked plain chicken or white fish until the kitten's stools have firmed up. These are very bland foods that are very gentle on an upset stomach. It is highly advisable to get some liquid into your kitten (kitten milk, water with a little broth in or mix water with the food), and to take your cat to the vet.

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your puppy is sick so you should go to the vet right away

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Yes it can ! The solution - it to stick to it's naturaldiet of insects, while only feeding a small amount of vegetable matter.

Can you give your 7 week old puppy anything for a runny nose?

no that's how it's supposed to be if it's getting out of control take it to the vet

What can you feed 20 days old puppys?

Once a puppy is weaned from its mother, it is preferable/healthier to feed puppies dry food made (and marked on the bag) for puppies. Canned food will often give its sensitive and still developing digestive system runny stools. Feed it only the amount shown in the feeding instructions on the bag.

Do rabbits get a runny nose when pregnant?

No. A runny nose is not a symptom of pregnancy in a rabbit. It is possible to palpate a doe to determine pregnancy, but this isn't something that an inexperienced person will likely be successful in doing.

When breast feeding a 19 day old is it normal for his stool to be very runny?

It is very common for breast fed babies to have runny stools. In fact, it is perfectly natural and is supposed to happen. The stool will begin to have more consistency after adding solid foods to the baby's diet.

What do baby peacocks eat?

Try feeding them boiled egg yoke or soft cat food .The egg yoke might give them runny poop tho. Pea chicks can be fed any commercial chick starter. A protein content of the feed for starting the chicks should be 25% or above for the first month. In a pinch puppy or kitten dry food that has been smashed in to tiny pieces will work also. Be sure they have constant free access to water also.

Is runny an adjective?

Yup! Runny is an adjective.

What does runny means?

"Runny" typically refers to a substance that has a thin or watery consistency, such as a runny nose or runny egg yolk. It can also describe something that is leaking or flowing uncontrollably.