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Q: Newtons first law of motion explains why when you are riding in a car you feel forced outward away from the direction of turns?
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Is newton cradle an example of newton's second or third law?

I believe it's Newtons second law because, the definition of Newtons second law is : An object acted by a force will accelerate in the direction of the force. When you push someone if you push hard enough their body will move in the direction they were pushed or forced to go or travel.

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no idea man

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stab pull

How can you compare newtons second law to a race track?

the race track has accleration and power forced into it

Does the action force in a rocket engine act on the hot gases or on the rocket?

Both. The rocket is forced in one direction and the hot gasses are forced in the opposite direction.

Which explains how the people of the african diaspora were connected?

a history of forced migration and economic explotation

What will happen to an object at rest if no unbalanced forced act on it according to Newtons First Law?

the object will remain at rest until a force acts upon it.

What is forced convection?

Convection caused by frontal or orographic lifting, or converging surface winds.

In what direction would you travel if you went from Jamaica to the country forced to include the Platt Amendment in its constitution?

south west

What forces do you apply when you use an inclined plane?

It depends precisely on the inclination of the place in the direction where forced is apply, other wise two forces in opposite direction work in breaking the plane.

Which answer best explains why the discovery of alternative splicing forced biologists to change their definition of a gene?

It showed that a gene can direct the production of more than one polypeptide or RNA.

What is counter migration?

Counter migration- migration in the opposite direction. Counter Migration - forced migration of immigrants to return to their country of origion