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Q: Nitrogen base that always pairs with thymine?
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What does adenine always pairs with what nitrogen base?


On dna what base will always pair with what base?

Adenine always pairs with thymine in a DNAmolecule.

What is one of the four nucleic acid base compounds it only pairs with thymine?

The nitrogen base that pairs with thymine is adenine.

What does a thymine do?

Thymine is an nitrogen base in our DNA. Thymine pairs up with the other nitrogen base Adenine. This creates one base pair. Thymine and the other base does not have a function. It is the combinations of bases that encode genetic information. The other bases pairs are Guanine and Cytosine and these two nitrogen bases are also one base pair. Thymine and Adenine are always paired up and shown as AT or TA. Similar to Guanine and Cytosine, they are always paired up and shown as CG or GC . If these base pairs shows up as AG or TC for example, then it'll be a mutation.

What nitrogen base pair with adenine?

In DNA: Thymine pairs with Adenine. In RNA: Uracil pairs with Adenine.

In DNA the base represented by an a always pairs with the base represented by?

A (Adenine) always pairs with T (Thymine).

What are the DNA base pairing rules?

Adenine always pairs with thymine Cytosine always pairs with guanine.

What is the pairing arrangement of the nitrogen base?

the pairing is adanine with thymine and guanine with cytosine. the pairing is adanine with thymine and guanine with cytosine.

Which nitrogen base pairs can be found in DNA?

Adenine and Thymine Gaumine and Cytosine

What nitrogen base always pairs up with adenine?

adenine with thymine cytosine with guanine adenine with uracil cytosine with guanine

What is the normal pairing of nitrogen bases found in a DNA molecule?

In DNA, the nitrogen base adenine (A) pairs with the nitrogen base thymine (T), and the nitrogen base cytosine (C) pairs with the nitrogen base guanine (G). So the base pairs are A:T and C:G. One way to remember is that A:T spells the word "at."

What nucleotide base in DNA is replaced by a base in RNA?

In DNA thymine is one of the nitrogen bases, but in RNA uracil replaces thymine still leaving four nitrogen bases