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Could be related to an age change - from lower teens to older teens, or from early to later middle age. Your best option might be to move more - walk instead of driving, use stairs instead of elevators, and have a look at what you're eating; it might not suit your present age or development changes. Consider using less salt, and eating more fruit and vegetables. Indian and Italian foods are always good, being low in salt and high in nutrition. Rice and pasta are always good, as is bread (but only good bread, not the stuff from supermarkets).

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Q: No change in diet. Why am I gaining weight?
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How do you work out without gaining weight?

By controlling your diet.

How do you avoid gaining weight?

Physical exercise and a well balanced diet will help you lose weight after menopause.

Where can I find a nutrition diet plan for gaining weight?

I would go into a store such as Max Muscle or GNC and ask them what they suggest is the best method for gaining weight. They will have products for you to buy.

How can you gain weight if your a girl tall and skinny?

The easiest ways to gain weight are to adjust one's diet and build muscle density. However, the right diet can vary, and some people potentially have disorders that prevent them from gaining weight. Consult a doctor or dietician if you're having trouble gaining or losing weight.

How can you gain weight in one month in healthy way at home?

You can Gain Weight through proper diet and exercise everyday. Proper diet plays an important role in gaining weight. please check the below link for information about proper weight gain diet.

What is a weight gain diet for gaining muscle?

Well, I would recommend exercising daily or regularly for longer periods of time to ensure gaining weight on the body, but not fat. That way, the person is still healthy.

Where can I find information about weight gain diet on the Internet?

Weight gain diets are designed for people who are very thin or have difficulty gaining weight. I have been put on a weight gain diet in the past without success. There is a site called thednadiet dot com that will provide you with information on the weight gain diet.

How is it possible that people are cutting down on the percentage of fat in their diet and still gaining weight?

Diets dont help

How does removing alcohol help lose weight?

Alcohol causes weight gain and therefore, by eliminating it from your diet, you will stop gaining the pounds from the said alcohol. However, if you do not exercise and have a balanced diet, you will not lose weight from eliminating alcohol.

Are there any weight gain diets that work?

Remember, talk to a doctor before changing your diet drastically. The website, is an excellent resource about gaining weight, with helpful tips and a diet and exercise plan.

Why do people diet?

The Cause of dieting is when you think you are over weight and you will go on a diet to loose weight. Hope this helps. Alexa:)

What does anorexics mean?

It's when you are afraid of gaining weight so much that you do not maintain a healthy diet and severely limit the amount of calories you consume.