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Normal blood glucose for anyone is 70-110mg/dL. Diabetics have increased blood glucose due to an absolute or relative lack of insulin.

In the old days, anything less than 150mg/dL was considered good for a diabetic. Newer research, however, has shown that tight blood glucose control has beneficial effects on long-term complications. Now, a fasting blood glucose from 70-130mg/dL is considered adequate (2008 ADA guidelines, page S13), peak post-prandial glucose no higher than 180mg/dL, and a Hemoglobin A1c < 7 are also part of the newest American Diabetes association guidelines.

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Blood glucose levels normal range is?

Normal range for fasting blood glucose is 65-99 mg/dl.

What are blood glucose monitors most useful for?

Blood glucose monitoring is for people with diabetes so they can control their blood glucose in their own home. The advantages of blood glucose monitoring are early detection of hypoglycemia, better blood sugar control, and fewer complications.

Is diabetes mellitus a chronic condition of elevated blood glucose levels?

Hi!! Yes. Diabetes is a chronic condition of elevated blood glucose levels. Diabetes is caused due to Insulin deficiency or Insulin resistance or both. We require insulin to keep blood glucose levels normal. Once you have insulin resistance or deficiency you require anti diabetic medicines or Insulin to keep blood glucose levels normal.

What exactly are diabetic strips?

Diabetic strips are thin plastic pieces that are inserted into a blood glucose monitor. This is how you can find out your glucose level in your blood.

What is the normal fasting blood glucose range in a diabetic teenager?

"Normal" is relative. It depends on a variety of factors, including whether or not they are diabetic, what point they feel "low", how well they manage their diabetes, medications and conditions, and hormones. An average range is 80-120.

Are you diabetic if your glucose levels is 6.3?

no, only your doctor will establish whether a person is diabetic after some blood tests.

What is a glucose levels chart and can it help with diabetes?

It is a chart in which you would be able to find the range of blood sugar in healthy and diabetic people. Since you are diabetic, you would better check your blood sugar level regularly and try to keep in close to the normal range.

What is glucose and why is it important?

Glucose is sugar and you need it in your body(blood) to keep you running which is why we say blood sugar levels and if you are diabetic your blood sugar levels are wrong

What is normal suger tolerance for 57yrs man?

I hope you mean blood glucose tolerance, which should be between 3.5mml/l to 6mml/l. These levels are for a non diabetic patient (normal person)

What do glucose monitors measure?

Glucose monitors measure blood sugar levels in humans. Many people who are diabetic or borderline diabetic must monitor their blood sugar levels. Glucose monitors for personal use can be purchased at almost any drug store.

Why does diabetic menu include a snack at bedtime?

to maintain the blood glucose at night