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to maintain the blood glucose at night

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Q: Why does diabetic menu include a snack at bedtime?
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Related questions

What restaurants in central London offer a diabetic menu?

There are a bunch of restaurants that offer a diabetic menu in London. There are sushi, diabetic, and vegetarian restaurants. Famous restaurants in London that offer a diabetic menu are Chowki and Mildreds.

Does Starbucks have a diabetic diet menu?

They do not specifically offer diabetic items. However, there are several choices from their menu that will fit a diabetic diet, such as the Fruit and Yogurt Parfait with an English muffin at 310 calories and 4gm of carbohydrates.

Where can I find out more about diabetic menu?

There are a lot of resources for a diabetic menu. There are websites and books and magazines that can give you a menu and recipes for diabetic foods. Some wbsites that have great menu's are: and

What is delta food?

Delta airlines has a variety of foods on their menu. Meals include sandwiches, chicken wraps, snack boxes, and breakfast options.

What is a reliable diabetic menu planner?

Yes, there are many options for diabetic diet menus. There are also multiple websites that will help you plan a diabetic meal plan, for example offers a menu planner for diabetics.

Where can I find diabetic menu plans?

Yes, there are diabetic menu plans available. WebMD is a great resource for all things medical. Using this site will give you information about diabetic menus, helping to determine if it is right for you.

Should a non-diabetic follow a diabetic diet menu?

Whether or not to follow a diabetic menu plan by a non-diabetic is a decision that should be made by a patient and their doctor. Diabetic plans are usually balanced and designed for healthy eating. Sample diet can be studied

What is a sample diabetic diet menu?

A sample menu is just a guide to what the diabetic diet should consist of. You can find one by asking your doctor to point you in the right direction.

What is a diabetes menu, and how does it affect me?

A diabetic menu is typically designed around a targeted number of carbohydrates and calories. A "diabetic" menu is also a healthy menu for anyone to follow. Some good examples can be found at

Where are some simple recipes found for a diabetic menu?

Someone that is looking for recipes for a diabetic menu can do so by contacting their local health unit in their area and making an appointment with a nutritionist. As well one can search for recipes online at the website All Recipes. There one will find a variety of recipes that are or can be refined to make a great menu for a diabetic.

Do you have a menu for diabetics?

Diabetics can eat anything, as long as they keep an eye on their blood sugar levels. A diabetic menu is the same as saying a "healthy" menu because in essence, that's what it is. Check out the related link though for some "diabetic" menu's, sample and recipes (although again I reiterate - "healthy").

What are the factors to considering in menu planning?

Who is the menu for? Child, elderly, active person and what particular nutrients they would need. What type of menu is it, breakfast, lunch dinner, snack.. daily menu should include all four. Balanced using the food pyramid, adequate servings of all food groups. Variety is also key.