

Best Answer

It is not a question. It is a statement. Better ask a question. This statement also does not seem to be true. No body can be turned/switched over to Islam or any other religion. Religion is a matter of heart. It resides in the depths of the heart of a man. There is no COMPULSION in Islam.

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Q: North Western areas are Muslim majority ares. We will not only keep these majorities but will turn them into a Muslim state. Muslims should get rid of Indianism it is better for Muslims and Islam?
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This will depend upon which Muslim country/territory you are asking about. In cases where the ruling party and/or population majority were Muslim, there are several disparate examples. In the Ottoman Empire, Jews had a lot more freedom of worship than in many European countries at the time. Today in Singapore and Indonesia, the Muslim majorities are withholding protection for Christians, Hindus and Buddhists in their country from the violent actions of extremists. In other situations, Muslim majorities have instituted a reign of terror against non-Muslim citizens or residents. To put this in context, Christianity has done many of the same things. In the Middle Ages, for example, the Christian majority segregated many Jews into small communities or forcefully "converted" them to Christianity. In more recent history, such as the Victorian era, crimes against non-Christians were typically not investigated as thoroughly and in many cases no one was ever charged with the crime. Currently, western Europe is struggling with providing completely equal legal and civil protection and rights to Muslims as have been historically extended to Christians. The same story has been repeated by Buddhist, Hindu, Roman, Jewish, Greek, Egyptian and Confusist majorities around the world and throughout history. In all honesty, probably every major religion has persecuted non-conformers at some point.

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What do you think there all the same but Muslims are the best at doing it.

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How was western Europe like during 600 AD?

It was rough and it was the time when the Muslims invaded Western Europe.

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Vikings, Magguars, Muslims

Are Christians in the majority or minority?

In the Western Hemisphere, Christianity is in the majority, while in the Eastern Hemisphere it is in the minority.