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Some girls might have emotional problems like i do but i cant control it some girls might have a thyroid problem like me Ur thyroid controls and produces Ur hormones and if Ur thyroid don't work it doesn't produce hormones i`m a very emotional person because of it and trust me i hate it cause people make fun of me for it i have been like this ever sense i was born and i cant control it some girls are just like that. dont make fun of them for it.

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Q: Not to be offensive but what is the reason girls cry all the time even over the simplest things?
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Well, I think that it is a very bright and girly color, so that may be the reason that girls like it. Pink color suits on Girls' things and it is a very cute color and the cute color matches with cute girls!

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Because their parents don't want them to. Ultimately, that's all the reason they, or you, need.

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The term "ugly girls" can be construed as offensive in more than one way. For starters, most people do not appreciate being referred to as ugly. A slightly more complex reason people may take offense at the phrase is that there is a stereotype of an 'ugly' girl who is bookish, desperate for approval / romance (and therefore 'easy' or 'loose'), or both. This is definitely a phrase best avoided.

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For the same reason that all other girls are freaky as well. They are girls.

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