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Q: Number of chloride atoms in CaCI2?
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What are the element in CaCI2?

Calcium chloride contain calcium and chlorine.

What is the name of this atom CaCl2?


What is the number of atoms NH4Cl?

Ammonium chloride has six atoms.

What is the number of atoms in NaCl?

The formula unit of sodium chloride (NaCl) has two atoms.

What is the total number present in hydrogen chloride?

Hydrogen chloride molecule (HCl) has two atoms.

How many atoms in 7.5g of sodium chloride?

The number of atoms in 7.5 grams of sodium chloride is 1.55X10^23. Sodium chloride is more commonly known as salt or table salt.

What bond type is CacI2 compound?

No compound exists with this formula. However, CaCl2 (with a lowercase L) is calcium chloride, which is an ionic compound.

What is the name of the compound CaCI2?

I think you mean CaCl2 which is calcium chloride

What is Avogadro's number the number of?

The number of elementary entities in a mole of the substance. The elementary entities depends on the particles making up the substance. For example, argon is made of single atoms, so a mole of argon simply contains Avogadro's number of atoms. Water, on the other hand, is made of molecules, so a mole of water contains Avogadro's number of molecules. Now each water molecule, H2O, contains 3 atoms so a mole of water contains 3xAvogadro's number of atoms. Sodium chloride, NaCl, is made of sodium and chloride ions, in a ratio of 1:1. So a mole of sodium chloride contains Avogadro's number of sodium ions, and Avogadro's number of chloride ions. A mole of sodium chloride therefore contains 2xAvogadro's number of ions in total. The number comes from the number of carbon atoms in 12g of carbon-12.

How do you convert chlorine atoms to moles of chlorine atoms?

To convert the number of chloride atoms to mols of chlorine atoms, simply multiply by Avogadro's number. This number is 6.022E23. Note that chlorine typically exists as a diatomic molecule, consisting of two chlorine atoms.

What is the total number of atoms in NaCl?

The correct formula of sodium chloride is NaCl. This molecule has two atoms - sodium and chlorine.

What Atoms in sodium chloride?

Sodium chloride contains sodium and chlorine atoms.