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Q: Nutrients pass from the blood vessels to the bone cells by way of the?
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How blood and other materials get to the living cells inside the bone?

The bone is composed mostly of two types of bone tissue. Compact bone and Spongy bone. The spongy bone has hundreds of little pores, through which many blood vessels can pass. Also, there are specialized passages in the bone through which a main artery or vein can pass to provide the blood supply and transport the new blood cells

Explain how bone cells embedded in a solid ground substance obtain nutrients and eliminate waste?

Osteocytes are mature bone cells surrounded by matrix which solid bone cell ground substances attach to. Bone cells are in the proximity of blood vessels, just like any other cell in the body. Bones only have cells in their growth areas and in the bone marrow, where blood cells are also produced.

Does bone contains blood vessels?

Yes, except for the very hardest parts, bones have blood vessels to supply nutrients.

What originates in bone marrow?

Bone marrow produce red and white blood cells.


The three are all cells that can be found in the bone. Osteoclast -Break down the bone. Osteocyte- Carry nutrients and waste products to and from the blood vessels in the bone. Osteoblast - Create new bone and repair damage.

What do osteoblasts osteocytes and osteoclasts have to do?

The three are all cells that can be found in the bone. Osteoclast -Break down the bone. Osteocyte- Carry nutrients and waste products to and from the blood vessels in the bone. Osteoblast - Create new bone and repair damage.

Cells that form concentric rings around blood vessels?


The bone cells within lacunae get nutrients from blood vessels through passageways called?

Canaliculi. More info could be found on websites below.

What is it's canaliculi?

Canaliculi are tiny channels in bone tissue that allow for the exchange of nutrients and waste between osteocytes (bone cells) and blood vessels. They help maintain the health and function of bone by facilitating communication and transport within the bone tissue.

Which body system produce blood cells?

Blood cells are produced in red bone marrow by a process called hematopoiesis. Every cell in the body gets its nutrients from blood.

Which structures in the compact bone deliver nutrients to the osteocytes?

Blood vessels running through the Haversian canals...

Blood vessels that nourish the osteocytes or bone cells travel to the area through the?

Haversian canal