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Q: Of the 10 million people who crossed the Atlantic Ocean to settle in the Americas in 328 years from 1492 to 1820 most were white Europeans?
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How many slaves were transported during the Atlantic slave trade?

About 12 million were sent to the Americas, of whom 1.8 million died on the voyage. Most were sent to Brazil or the

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Americas population reaches to a top of 300 million,

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Some people say that twelve people crossed the Bering Straight, but I think way more crossed it like maybe three hundred or more. If twelve how can we have more than three million today. Four hundred years later.

What percent of Europeans are Roman Catholic?

more than 32.40% of the 728 million Europeans.

How did transatlantic slave trade function?

African slaves were sold in Lisbon as early as 1441. The European discovery and colonization of the Americas set the scene for the trans-Atlantic slave trade. In the course of three hundred years, from the sixteenth to the nineteenth century, upwards of ten million black men, women and children arrived in the Americas as unwilling migrants. Millions more died on the journey to the Atlantic coast, and at sea. The slaves were all African. So too were most of those who first sold them. The buyers and shippers were Europeans. Slaves for the Trans-Atlantic slave trade were initially sourced in Senegambia and the Windward Coast. Around 1650 the trade moved to west-central Africa. As a result of the slave trade, five times as many Africans arrived in the Americas than Europeans. Slaves were needed on plantations and for mines and the majority was shipped to Brazil, the Caribbean, and the Spanish Empire. Less than 5% traveled to the Northern American States formally held by the British.

Americas Largest wireless company?

Verizon Wireless is Americas Largest wireless company with more than 93 million customers worldwide, while at&t has 77 million, and sprint with 49 million.

What will the mid Atlantic ridge look like in a million of years?

In a million years, the Mid-Atlantic Ridge will look very similar the the present day Mid-Atlantic Ridge.

Which is larger the Indiana ocean or Atlantic ocean?

The Atlantic Ocean is larger at 106.4 million km²The Indian Ocean is 73.56 million km²

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About half a million Europeans lived in Morocco prior to independence in the 1950s.

What is the population of the atlantic provinces?

About 2.3 Million

Which is larger the Indian or Atlantic Ocean what is their difference in square miles?

The Atlantic Ocean is larger. The area of the Indian Ocean is 68.556 Million square kilometres, and the area of the Atlantic is 76.762 Million square kilometres.