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Q: Of what significance is it that Holden doesn and rsquot want to throw a snowball at a car while he and waiting for Ackley?
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Why do Holden brossard and ackley not go to the movies after all?

Holden and Ackley do not end up going to the movies because Holden gets a headache, and Ackley decides to stay back with him to keep him company. Ackley offers to give Holden a "Romeo-and-Juliet" haircut instead.

Why is Holden happy to see Ackley at the end of chapter 4?

Holden is happy to see Ackley because he feels lonely in the dorm and enjoys having someone to talk to, even though Ackley can be annoying. Despite Ackley's faults, Holden appreciates having company and someone to interact with.

What page does holden make fun of ackley?

Holden makes fun of Ackley on page 44 of "The Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger. He criticizes Ackley's personal hygiene and irritating behavior.

Why does holden call ackley a prince gentle man and a scholar?

Holden says this sarcastically to mock Ackley, as he actually dislikes him. By calling him a prince, gentleman, and scholar, he is highlighting the stark contrast between Ackley's behavior and these respected titles. It emphasizes Holden's disdain and frustration with Ackley's annoying personality.

What do Holden Brossard and Ackley do after dinner?

Holden Brossard takes a walk around Pencey Prep's campus while Ackley goes to his room to study. Holden eventually goes back to his dormitory, where he has a brief conversation with Ackley before going to bed.

Is either ackley or stradlater also similar to holden?

Both Ackley and Stradlater are similar to Holden in that they are characters from his school who he has mixed feelings about. Ackley is a socially awkward and annoying friend who Holden finds irritating, while Stradlater is a popular and charming roommate who Holden is jealous of. They both serve as examples of the types of people that Holden struggles to connect with.

Why does Holden visit Ackley's room after his fight with Stradlater?

Holden visits Ackley's room after his fight with Stradlater because he seeks companionship and someone to talk to. He is feeling lonely and unsettled, and Ackley is one of the few people he can turn to in that moment. Additionally, Ackley's room is nearby and convenient for Holden to visit.

What new aspect do we see in Holden's relationship with Ackley?

Holden and Ackley share an intrusive friendship on Ackleys part more so than Holdens. However, it is viewed as an unusual friendship because Holden states he doesn't like Ackley and on many occasions hints for him to leave him alone, yet they talk a lot and even spend some time together. I don't personally believe Holden dislikes Ackley, I simply think he needs a different sort of company therefore he gets annoyed and aggravated with Ackley.

Who is Ackley in The Catcher in the Rye?

Robert Ackley is the annoying boy in the room next to Holden at Pency Prep.

Who is Ackley from The Catcher in the Rye by J D Salinger Describe him?

Ackley is Holden's socially awkward and unhygienic dorm neighbor in "The Catcher in the Rye." He has bad hygiene habits, yet he is constantly intrusive and bothersome towards Holden. Ackley is portrayed as an annoying and self-absorbed character who annoys Holden with his unkempt appearance and lack of social skills.

What does Holden do when he vists ackley?

Holden needs someone to talk to after the fight with Stradlater. He needs someone to speak to and Ackley is in the conjoined room next door and despite Ackley's talk of sexual intercourse and horrible smell. P.S. I know this doesnt quite answer your question but this might of helped. Hope it did

Who is ackley?

Holden's next neighbor at his dorm at Pencey Prep. has bad dental hygiene and he makes up lies about his sexual experience. Not really a ladies' man.