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New Spain.

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Q: Of which was the western section of Pennsylvania considered a part?
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There are several states that are considered a part of the rust belt. These include Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, as well as Pennsylvania.

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It was still considered part of the Western Territories.

Is Pittsburgh in the east?

100% East Coast, there is no debate. ------ Pittsburgh has more in common -- economically, culturally, and socially -- with places like Cleveland than it does with East Coast cities. It's all subjective, but I'd consider Western Pennsylvania (including Pittsburgh) to be the eastern boundary of the Midwest. At the very least, it's part of the Rust Belt (which includes Western PA, Ohio, and parts of West Virginia, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, and Wisconsin).

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Europe is considered to be part of the western hemisphere.

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The Whiskey Rebellion began in the western part of Pennsylvania in 1794.It ended when President Washington led 13,000 men in a Federal militia to quell the uprising, in October 1794.

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New York State is above both New Jersey (in the eastern part of NYS) and Pennsylvania (in the western part of NYS).

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Scotland is part of the island of Great Britain which lies off the western coast of continental Europe. It is in the northern hemisphere and is considered to be part of the western hemisphere.