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Thomas Paine was called the father of the American revolution. His writings influenced the American revolutionaries.

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Q: Often called the father of the American revolution this man's writings influenced the American revolutionaries?
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Who's writings influenced the American revolutionaries?

John Locke

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Locke, Rousseau, and Paine influenced the American Revolution significantly, if that helps at all...

Who wrote plays and other writings to insult loyalits and redcoats?

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These writings challenged traditional social, religious, and political values.

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These writings challenged traditional social, religious, and political values.

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What happened 18 years after montesquieu published his writings?

Eighteen years after Montesquieu published his writings, the French Revolution took place in 1789. Montesquieu's ideas about separation of powers and checks and balances played a significant role in influencing the revolutionaries and the subsequent establishment of a constitutional government in France.

What are some events that were directly influenced by Montesquieu?

The system of checks and balances in the United States Constitution was heavily influenced by Montesquieu's ideas on the separation of powers. Additionally, the French Revolution and the establishment of the French Republic were influenced by Montesquieu's writings on political philosophy.

What influenced Thomas Paine's writings?

thomas Paine was influenced by Rousseau's argument

Was john Locke an active Anti-Federalist?

No. He was an English philosopher and not part of the American revolution . Jefferson just used his thinking in his writings.

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The writings of Thomas JeffersonThe EnlightenmentThe French Revolution- APEX nikka!