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2d ago

Old objects and artifacts discovered by archaeologists are kept in museums, archaeological repositories, or research institutions for preservation, study, and public education. These items provide valuable insights into past cultures, technologies, and societies, helping researchers and the public better understand and appreciate human history.

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Q: Old object and artifacts discovered by archaeologists kept?
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Where historical relics are kept is known as?

Where historical relics are kept is known as museums or archives. These institutions preserve and display artifacts and documents of historical significance for public education and enjoyment.

Artifacts in the home?

Artifacts in the home can include any objects of historical, cultural, or sentimental significance that are displayed or kept for personal enjoyment. These can range from antiques and heirlooms to souvenirs and artwork collected during travel, each imbued with meaning and memories for the owner. Such artifacts often contribute to the decor and overall ambiance of a living space.

How do you explain the meaning of archaeology using the terms prehistory and artifacts?

Archaeology is the study of human history and prehistory through the excavation and analysis of artifacts and other physical remains. Prehistory refers to the period of time before written records were kept. Artifacts are objects or materials that were created or modified by humans in the past and provide information about historical and prehistorical societies.

What kinds of evidence do archaeologist and anthropologist look for to find out how people live before written records were kept?

Archaeologists and anthropologists look for physical evidence such as artifacts, structures, and human remains to learn about how people lived before written records were kept. They also study the environment, such as plant remains and soil composition, to understand ancient lifestyles and behaviors. Analyzing the distribution and context of archaeological finds helps researchers reconstruct past societies and understand their daily activities and cultural practices.

Which would be best to write about cultural artifact?

A good cultural artifact to write about would be one that holds significant cultural, historical, or religious value to a particular group of people. Look for artifacts that have interesting stories, symbolism, and cultural practices associated with them, as these can provide rich material for analysis and discussion.

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