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Well, you have to have a bear and if you don't have a bear you can't do it, but if you do have a bear all you have to do is save up your store credits and when you have enough (I think it is 5 or 10) go to bearville outfitters and you fin it in the catalogue there.Hope I helped!xYeah I think it's ten! :D
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Q: On Build-a-Bearville how do you make your own beachfront home?
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How do you get a beachfront house in Build-a-Bearville?

You can buy a Beachfront home on buildabearville at the Bearville Outfitters store, which is just off the main square- it costs 10 credits. When you get to Bearville Outfitters, pull up the catalogue and click on Home Away from Home, which is where you buy it from, and also Ski Lodge condos which are like beachfront homes but... well, like a ski lodge instead of a beach-y kind of house. The home itself comes with just a main living area, so to purchase extra rooms like bathrooms, bedrooms, etc, you can get these too at Bearville Outfitters for 3 credits per room. Once you've got your Beachfront home, you can visit it at Sunshine Shores- click on the boat/sea-mobile thing labeled Beachfront homes, and you can visit your own Beachfront home and also other people's. Hope this helped you!

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