

On Howrse how do you get money fast my horse is pregnant?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Sell supplies to mrs.hubert from your inventory.

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Q: On Howrse how do you get money fast my horse is pregnant?
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How do you get money fast with nothing to sell on Howrse?

you can't. you could sell a bm item, but that is complicated, because it involves selling a horse, if you are selling the bm.

What fast ways can you get money on Howrse?

By selling stuff.

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There is no way to get around from spending money on Howrse. Not equas, that is. You can wait to get passes and get mourpheses arms and age your horse without limitation, but until they are thirty years old. Make sure you take care of them! Or they WILL die. Happy Howrsing! -snowflakes13 from howrse. You can not get around that! Happy Howrsing! The Stables From Howrse PM me or friend request!

What is a chronos's timer on Howrse?

It cost 2 passes and alows your horse to be trained twice as fast.

How do you get a free fast horse on Howrse?

You can get free fully trained horses on Howrse by doing objectives. Go on profile, then My Objectives and it will tell you what to do. it tells you what your reward is too. Sometimes it's money or other times. It can be a free fully trained pegasus or maybe just a fully trained horse. You can also buy: horses ponies pegasuss unicorns and donkeys at the auction or private sales but they cost money.

Chronos timer on howrse?

Chronos timer helps your horse train twice as fast so you can start entering competitions earlier

How do you get fast easy money for your equestrian center on Howrse?

The easiest way to get money in an equestrian center is to plant crops and them sell the products of the crops.

How do you reduce your horses health on Howrse?

Horses' health naturally declines after the age of 25 on Howrse. However, to speed it up, you could do a number of things: -do not put your horse to sleep -age your horse with minimum energy, ideally less than 5% -do not feed your horse -do not groom your horse -do not put your horse in the box or meadow Doing all these things, your horse's health would go down pretty fast. Hope that helped!

On Howrse how come your horses die so fast?

you have to feed them and care for them you also have to buy medical care for them. If you dont want your horse to die you can also buy a philosopher's stone then your horse will never die.

How do you earn 100 equus by playing with a companion on howrse?

You earn money each time you play with your companion. To earn equus really fast, I would buy a horse in the sales that has a phoenix. If you play with the Phoenix for 5 hourse you get more than 100 equus and that completes the objective. Hope this helps! :) If you have any other questions, you can ask me here or on howrse. My user is knitting92.

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How fast can a horse bolt?

As fast as the horse can run.