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It's random. The person who did this question before me had a girl, I had a boy.

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11y ago

It is random.

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Q: On Howrse will your first foal be male or female?
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If you offer a covering on Howrse do you still get a foal?

No. The male gets the money for cover, and the female gets the foal

A baby horse called?

A foal. A male foal is also called a colt and a female foal is called a filly.

What foal do you get when you breed an male araibian horse with a mare Canadian horse on howrse?

You will get an arbxcanadian, but on the foal's page it'll say arabian. --starsun22 (eventinglover on howrse)

What is a baby male donkey called?

Typically a baby male or female donkey is called a foal. A foal is usually under 1 year old. Young male donkeys can either be referred to as a 'baby jack' or a male foal. A young female donkey can be referred to as a 'baby jenny (or jennet)' or a female foal.

What is the masculine for colt?

Colt IS masculine - it means young male horse. A young female horse is a filly. A mature male horse is either a stallion or a gelding, depending on whether or not he has been snipped. A mature female horse is a mare.

What is the opposite sex for a filly?

A male foal is a colt. A female foal is a filly.

Is there any other names for donkey foals?

An animal born to two donkeys is called a foal at birth. A hinny is the baby of a male horse and a female donkey. A mule is the offspring of a male donkey and a female horse. A male donkey is called a jack and a female is a jenny.

What are the types of names horses have as in a stallion and those things?

there is: a stallion .............................. a male horse a mare.................................. a female horse a filly .................................... a female foal a colt.................................... a male foal

How do you call a horse baby?

A baby horse is a foal. A male foal is called a colt A female foal is called a philly

Male stallion female mare the young?


What do you call female and male horses?

An adult female is called a mare. An adult castrated male is called a gelding. An adult male that is uncastrated is a stallion. A young horse male or female is called a foal. A young female (under 2) is a filly. A young male is a colt. There are also names for young horses as they grow. A foal that still nurses from the mother is a suckling. A foal that no longer nurses is a weanling. At his/her first birthday it's a yearling.

What is the opposite of the creature colt?

A colt is a male foal or (baby horse) and a filly is a female foal.