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--Get past cell stage?

--But at me i cant lock up creature stage and im on SPACE STAGE on another planet.I think he/she asks about that.

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To put it shortly, skip cell stage.

Also, if u mean the ones with all the cool creature parts on it, im sorry 2 say u cant use those. u can only use those when beginning a tribe.

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Q: On Spore how do you use your pre-created creatures on creature stage?
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How do you get your spores in the game?

-For the CELL stage the computer will choose a cell creature for you. -In the CREATURE stage you will by able to choose or create a cell creature to use in game. -For the tribal,civilization and space you will be able to choose a normal creature or create one. BE SHORE YOU HAVE 'SPORE' NOT 'SPORE CREATURE CREATOR' BECAUSE IN 'CREATURE CREATOR' YOU CAN ONLY CREATE CREATURES.

Can spore creatures drink water?

No, Spore creatures cannot drink water because there are no ponds in the creature stage and living things can't drink saltwater without dehydrating themselves even more.

What is an epic creature on spore?

a epic creature is a HUGE creature that you can see in creature stage and tribal stage I WOULD NOT GO AFTER ONE IN C stage

Can you be a creature in spore besides in creature stage?

Yes, in tripe stage, civilization stage, and in space stage. BUT you cant change the creature, only the "clothes".

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In spore for ipod do you evolve to creature?

In any mobile, the farthest you can get is to the dawn of the creature stage, meaning: No.

In spore can your creature swim under water?

only in cell stage

What happens when you are abducded in Spore Creature stage I spelled that all wrong?

You die.

Will there be more expansion packs for Spore?

yes they have confirmed spore creature keeper which is like a alien version of sims and spore Aqua which is a water stage

In spore after completing a stage can you go back to it?

yes, but you must unlock that stage buy playing enough of the previous stage. For example, get to a certain part of creature stage, and you will unlock Tribal Stage. 1. Choose a new planet. 2. Choose an unlocked stage. 3. Make your stuff. 3a. Stage 1-Regular 3b. Stage 2-Cell/Creature transfer. 3c. Stage 3-Creature 3d. Stage 4-Creature, Vehicles, Buildings 3e. Stage 5-Creature, Spaceship

Can you make your own creature on spore?

Yes, you can save different creatures you create. although you can only play as the ones you make through the actual game as in the one on the planet. -There is a cheat that you can use, it was implemented in Spore in patch 1. Type "ecoadvantage" into the in-game cheat box when selecting your creature. This will make you be able to choose an already advanced creature. This only works for when your are starting out on the creature stage.

In spore how do you get others of your creature group to follow you?

Well, you impress them. That's all you do. Works for any ally in creature stage