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there isn't a pirate.

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Q: On animal crossing when does the pirate come if oranges are your native fruit?
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On animal crossing lets go to the city when does the pirate come?

there is no pirate but you can get pirate stuff from pascal the beaver

Any good house themes for animal crossing ds?

snowman mushroom modern green boxer pirate ...

How do you get pirate stuff from pascal the beaver on animal crossing lets go to the city?

You have to talk to pascal every time he comes. You have to be super nice to him or he will give you an anchor

How do you stop pascal the otter jumping in on animal crossing let's go to the city?

If you have a Scallop and give it to him he'll give you something that was from a pirate, but no. He doesn't stop jumping into the water.

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Who is the otter on Animal Crossing?

The otter is named, "Pascal". He's a red otter that is a philosopher who can give you pieces of a sea/ship/pirate theme or his picture or a golden axe. You can only get the axe or picture by giving him a scallop.

Is there an animal crossing game that you can be an animal?

No, sadly not, but there are froggy shirts and bunny shirts which you can try on and, after changing your hair, glasses, hat and other accessories, you can become like an animal. The best thing about changing your appearance is that all your neighbors won't notice, for example, I went from being an angel to a pirate and Caroline just said that I 'looked pretty' and didn't say another word about it. Hope I was useful :)

What are pirate swords worth on animal jam?

equals to pirate swords (nm) Another pirate sword A freedom hat or wings Freedom bands (rare) A fox hat a rare scary cat hat non rare headfeather

Who was the pirate explorer in Australia?

William Dampier was an English pirate, and the first English explorer to land in Australia. In 1688 and again in 1699, he landed on the far northwest coast, but he was unimpressed by the land and by the native inhabitants.

What is the name of the pirate who sings the SpongeBob song?

It's actually what Patchy the Pirate was going to look like before the guy who plays him was hired.

What animal is Webkinz Dogbeard?

The webkinz dogbeard is a pirate pug- he appers in the battleship game- dogbeards bath bubbles i think its called.

Name an animal that a pirate would most likely have on his ship?

1) parrot 2) monkey 3) dog 4) snake