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Many factors play into whether it is actually cheaper to eat at home or at a restaurant. For instance, it all depends on how much you spend when you go out to eat compared to what you spend on cooking your own meal at home. You could eat out at a fast food restaurant and order from the dollar menu. However, with that same dollar and some sound economical thinking, you could have bought a large bag or rice that would have lasted you several meals. In this case, it would have been cheaper for you to eat at home. On the other hand, if you would have bought expensive ingredients and made your own meal out of those, then it quite possibly could have cost more to eat at home.

Depending on where you live, what you eat, and how well you cook, it's possible that dining out is more cost effective than preparing your own meals.

Home-prepared food is almost always healthier. Most restaurant meals are loaded with fat, sugar, and calories.

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