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= How Much Water Do You Really Use? = © Alan Sorum Jan 11, 2008

Americans waste a shocking amount of water everyday. Water conservation not only helps to preserve a scarce resource, conserving water saves energy

Americans have increasingly seen their demand for fresh water accelerate as climate change continues and the population grows. The problem has only worsened with record droughts and shifts in population centers. Fresh water is a scarce resource and most people have no idea how water they consume each day. A good number of them would be surprised to learn that the average citizen in the United States uses an average of 1,189 gallons (4,500 liters) of water per day. Understanding the Problem - Water is part of our everyday life and while some activities obviously consume water, some use is less apparent. It takes more than 20 gallons (75 liters) of water to manufacture a pound of plastic and 100 gallons (378 liters) to produce a pound of cotton. Energy consumption effects water use as well with just less than half of our fresh water being used by electrical power plants. A group of concerned organizations have banded together to better educate people about the problem and encourage better conservation called H2O Conserve. H2O Conserve Membership - This water conservation organization is made up of four public interest groups, Food & Water Watch, GRACE, John Hopkins Center for a Livable Future, and the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility. These organizations recognize the impending crisis looming in the United States over its water supply and is taking positive steps to address it Conservation Tools - H2O Conserve has developed several tools to help consumers better understand their overall water use and reduce consumption. One key feature of the group's website is a water consumption calculator that uncovers overall water consumption based on lifestyle choices. In recent press release, Wenonah Hauter, Executive Director of Food & Water Watch says, "By allowing visitors to calculate their "water footprint" - including the water they use at home, the water used to produce their food, energy and household products, we hope to get people thinking about water in a whole new way." The H2O Conserve site provides many useful tips on water conservation and detailed information on fundamental water related issues. Water Saving Tips From H2O Conserve - H2O Conserve offers more than fifty tips to conserve water on their website. A few examples are: * Install a low-flow shower head * Fix leaky faucets - a steady drip can waste 20 gallons (75 liters) of water a day * Only run the dishwasher and clothes washing machines when they are full * Consider composting garbage and using the garbage disposal less * When able, buy whole and unprocessed foods. Processed foods and drinks use more water to produce * Use a pool cover to keep water cleaner and lower loss due to evaporation * Water lawns during the cooler parts of the day

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