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Q: On call of duty modern warfare 2 whilst bleeding out if you are shopt again do you die?
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Do you have to start your levels again in modern warfare 2 on PS3?

No you dont

Do people play Modern Warfare 2 after the new Modern Warfare came out?

yes they do but only sometimes as if they get bored they will play the old one as they might forget it so they do it again and they play mw3 lot then mw2

Call of duty modern warfare 2 website wont let me on because i put wrong age in how do i get on it again?

open a new tab and try again

Will modern warfare 2 be on Wii?

no I heard this on a websit called IGN check it out 4 urself, Than again, there is a good chance it would be on the Wii, I would most likely come out for the Wii on some form but it's almost certain. Most Nintendo Wii users think that Modern Warfare Reflex Edition is a Modern Warfare game like COD 4. It is not really Treyarch had to make it for Infinity Ward and they released it with Modern Warfare 2. How can they make a Modern Warfare 2 for you guys when they have not made the first game. The game you should have been asking for was Modern Warfare Reflex Edition 2 and hoped that it would be released with the MW3 for the PS3 and Xbox 360 on November 8 2011.

When is cod 5 future warfare coming out?

CoD future warfare or modern warfare 3 (some of the likely names for it) Nobody really know what the presise date is but some in 2012 but again nobody at this point is sure of the presise date, just the year

What will the zombie mode in modern warfare 2 be like?

There is no Zombie mode for Modern Warfare 2. It is a Treyarch exclusive and not used by Infinity Ward. In Zombie mode you kill all the zombies and they come back again on a new level and again with more power on the next level endlessly until you die. You can not win ever. In Modern Warfare 2 The Mode is not called Zombies infact it's a more like horde on Gears of War 2 you have to kill many waves of enemies,

In modern warfare 2 i am rank 14 2nd prestige do you think i should prestige again?

Only if you want to be super cool like me.

What happens when you kill everyone in the museum on modern warfare 2?

Nothing happens, you just get to do it again. I think it is pointlessHope I helped Please recommend me

On Modern Warfare 2 what is Prestige mode all about?

bragging rights. plus you get a funny little symbol next to your name, so everyone knows you're not a noob.

How much will call of duty modern warfare 3 cost on black Friday?

The hardened edition may again be out of stock by then

How do you unlock the javelin in Modern Warfare 2?

You need to get to rank 50.The only way to unlock the Javelin is by playing the Multiplayer on Modern Warfare 2, just like to do with every other gun. It is unlocked at level 50, and when you prestige, you will have to reach level 50 again to unlock it, like the other guns.

How many levels are in each prestige on modern warfare 2?

There are 70 levels in one Prestige on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. There are 10 Prestiges, meaning that there are approximately 700 levels in the game. I am currently 7th Prestige Level 70 on Xbox Live, getting ready to prestige again.