

On harvest moon DS who is Muffy?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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12y ago

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Muffy is one of the bachlorttes in Harvest Moon DS, she is the girl with the blonde curly hair and has a red shrit/dress thing and a light blue cargian. she loves wine and apple pie, but she also like jewlery, but be careful some of the gifts she might not like... eg. fish, and eggs ect... and to get her to like you, you have to give her stuff everyday and go to ALL of her heart events these are her heart events below:

Black Heart Event

Blue Bar

3:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Muffy has a black heart color or higher

Visit the bar and Muffy will start to ask you questions about what kind of girls you like. If you tell her that you like "cheerfull and pretty" girls, then she will be happy and mix you up a drink. The drink itself doesn't taste very good, but it's the thought that counts.

Purple Heart Event


9:00 am to 11:00 am, not Wednesday, rainy day

Muffy has a purple heart color or higher

You have seen the black heart event

Walk to the beach area on a rainy day and you'll overhear Muffy yelling. She is angry and pacing back and forth when you meet up with her. Muffy wants your advice and asks if you would listen to her. Tell her that you will and she'll start explaining.

Muffy heard from her parents that they are planning on setting her up on a blind date. They sent her a photograph of the man and she is not interested in seeing him. She asks you what she should do. Suggest that she "meet him and turn him down". Muffy agrees that it would of been wrong of her to completely ignore him and it would be more polite to tell the guy herself.

Blue Heart Event

Blue Bar

6:00 pm to 8:00 pm, not Wednesday

Muffy has a blue heart color or higher

You have seen the black and purple heart events

Visit Muffy at the bar during the evening. Griffin makes all of the bar's drinks, and she would like to help out more. Griffin has made the drinks before, so Muffy thinks she can make her own new drink concoction! This should be interesting, especially after the drink she made you before. Muffy senses your reluctance and asks for your assistance.

Behind the counter she begins to mix things together. She asks you to pick the last ingredient to add to the drink. Suggest she adds milk and she'll finish the mixture. Muffy gives you a taste and this time it tastes pretty good! Muffy will see if Griffin will add it to the bar's menu.

Yellow Heart Event

Exit your farmhouse

9:00 am to 12:00 pm, Summer season, sunny day

Muffy has a yellow heart color or higher

You have seen the black, purple, and blue heart events

Muffy will greet you as you leave your house. Today's weather is good so she suggests the two of you go out somewhere, perhaps a d-a-t-e? Tell her you'll go out on a date and the two of you go out to the Goddess Pond.

At the pond Muffy lets you know that this pretty pond is said to be sacred. She's glad to know that you feel the same about this spot. Muffy decides it's time to go to a new spot on your date.

You'll visit Kai at his summer food booth and he notices you two appear to be on a date. Kai says it'll be his treat so you get some food. Once your meal is over you both return to your farm. It's the first time that Muffy's enjoyed a date with a boy.

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12y ago

Muffy is a lovely women !

she lives at Blues Bar with Griffin.

she enjoys gifts from the mine and likes a bottle of wine each day !

she can be found by the bridge , the pond and in her bar

Muffy is one of the easier girls to marry so that's why many people pick her.

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Muffy does not have a dairy in Harvest Moon DS. The diary is used in the game Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life to see how much a girl likes you. In Harvest Moon DS, which uses the same characters you tell how much a girl likes you by the color of the heart you see when you speak with the girl.

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Muffy is a very cheerful and happy girl in harvest moon DS. She Lives in the bue bar with Griffin. If you want to marry muffy, Make her apple pie or give her anything from carter's dig (The girly things, not gold and silver. She HATES Them). Muffy is really ncie and cheerful, be careful, Griffin likes muffy too!

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Muffy marries Griffin, the owner of the Blue Bar, if you don't marry him yourself.

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Muffy dose not have a diary only in harvest moon a wonderful life!! Hope that helped!!

When you fierst meet muffy on harvest moon ds does the question she asks effect who marries you?

No, not at all.

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give her gifts that she likes everyday.

What does your child look like after you've married muffy in harvest moon ds?

these are the 3 stages of Muffy's child. baby, kiddie and teen.

You went to the beach for purple heart event for muffy but muffy is not there on harvest moon ds?

Make sure it is not on a Wednesday and must not be a rainy day. >.< bx