

Best Answer

If you're on meds - probably.

Enhanced answer:

Actually, it depends on the State in which you purchase the policy. These days most private carriers will cover INPATIENT treatment of mental and nervous disorders but will not cover OUTPATIENT treatment or, if they do, will do so only on a limited basis.

For instance, in Colorado the polices will not raise your rate because INPATIENT treatment is treated like any other illness, but they will not cover OUTPATIENT treatments.

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Q: On health insurance premiums would depression as a pre-existing condition raise rates?
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Look for another insurance company. There are Insurance companies that do high risk, however, be prepared to pay higher monthly premiums. If you cannot be covered, look into a one man group. Michael

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Prior depression may impact insurance coverage by affecting premiums or policy eligibility. Insurance companies may consider individuals with a history of depression to be higher risk, which could result in higher premiums or exclusions for mental health coverage. It's important to disclose any history of depression when applying for insurance to ensure proper coverage.

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Life insurance premiums are based on mortality tables, which predict how long a person of any given age. sex and physical condition will live. These predictions are based on the history of people in the past.

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Depends on how you paid the premiums. If you paid the premiums on a pretax basis, then you cannot declare the premiums. Many COBRA payments, retiree insurance payments and so on can be deducted.

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No, Medicare does not reimburse liability insurance premiums.

Can you deduct group insurance premiums on taxes?

Depends on how you paid the premiums. If you paid the premiums on a pretax basis, then you cannot declare the premiums. Many COBRA payments, retiree insurance payments and so on can be deducted.

Does the cost of life insurance premiums depend on your age?

Yes, the cost of life insurance premiums can depend on your age. Generally, the younger you are when you apply for life insurance, the lower your premiums will be. This is because younger people are considered to be at lower risk of death and thus pose less of a financial liability to the insurance company. Age is one of the factors that insurers use to determine premiums, along with other factors such as your health, lifestyle, and coverage amount.

Where can I find information on life insurance premiums?

You can find information of life insurance premiums, and what their purposes are by asking your current insurance company provider for information on it.