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Q: On legend of Zelda for GameCube you cannot equip items?
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How do you equip the slingshot in Legend of Zelda ocarina of time?

get in the start menu and press one of the c keys.

How do you euip the pole in Zelda Twightlight Princess?

To equip the fishing pole you need to push - and push B when your cursor is on it but if you are using gamecube i dont know then

How do you equip an item in Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time?

Press the Start button to go to your equipment, and set the item to a C-button by pressing the C-button you want to equip it to.

In the legend of Zelda phantom hour glass where do you get hearts for the ship?

You have to equip certain combonations of parts. Mainly parts in the same set.

How do you use waterboms while jou in the water the legend o Zelda twilicht prinsess?

You have to equip the iron boots and then use the water bombs.

How do you get shield out on the Legend of Zelda skyward sword?

first to equip it you have by pressing the minus button (--) and pointing it towards the shield to equip. then swing the wii remote to pull out your sword and your shield or you can thrust the nunchuck forward (without dashing of course)

How can you equip items in The Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask?

Press the Start button to go to the item equipment screen on the menu, then press one of the C-buttons to equip the item to that C-button. You do the same thing for masks as well.

How do you mix bombs and arrows to make explosive arrows in Zelda twilight princess for gamecube?

To equip bomb arrows, simply open your item page, move the cursor onto the bombs, and press R

How fire arrows works?

Depends on what game your playing: For example lets take Legend of Zelda ocarina of time just equip the fire arrow to a C button then use it.

How do you save on The Legend Of Zelda the ocarina of time for N64?

You pause the game, so you reach the box menu [Where you equip, ect]. (I believe by hitting 'start'). Then you hit side to reach the green panel, and from there you are given the option to save.

What happens when you equip the spirit of wisdom or spirit of courage on Zelda phantom hourglass?

If you equip a wisdom spirit then you get a better shield which will stun or deflect monsters. If you equip a courage spirit then when you slash a little wave will slice the monsters.

Can you equip your Set monster with an Equip Spell Card?

No, face-down monsters cannot be equipped.