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no the biggest number of people you can have is 10 i think

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Q: On sims 2 can you have more than 500 people in 1 household?
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Is there a cheat for the sims 3 where you can have more than 6 people?

Well you can have up to 8 people in your household.:)

How many people can you have in a household in sims 2 PC?

Up to 8 people, or, if you have Pets, a combination of 10 with no more than 8 sims or 6 pets.

How do you control more than 8 sims on sims 3. I want to make a video and I was wondering if it's possible to use more than 8 sims in a lot?

You can't really 'control' more than 8 sims at once but you could maybe take your household to a community lot where there will be more sims that you can interact with; or throw a party and invite over sims that you want in your movie.

Is their a cheat to have more than four sims in a household on simsLifestories?

if you bring up the life or death tombstone you can

Can you adopt or have a kid if you have more than 8 sims on the Sims 2?

I'm afraid you can't have more than eight sims in one household together at a time. I had this family once, when I had sims 2, and I had eight family members and I couldn't get pregnant or adopt any other babies.

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Can you have more than 6 people in your family on sims 3 pets on ps3

Which is better your sims or your sims kingdom?

Personally I love them both. But most people say they favor My sims kingdom more than My sims.

Is there a cheat to make still young adult sims have a household with more than 2 children when the try for baby does not show up for the Sims 2 family edition?

there is no cheat but there is a lifetime wish for it

Can sims in sims 3 be moved in with each other?

Yes, they can, as long as the resulting family has no more than 8 people.

Do sims grow other than yourself?

in the Sims 3 Sims in/out your household and out grow up, get married, etc. but only Sims in your house grow up and supply their needs and stuff like that for the Sims 2. but i think if u get sims2 apartments you could have a bunch of people grow up at the same time.

How do you control 2 sims on sims 3 ambitions?

If I'm understanding the question properly...all you have to do is make a Sim Family with 2 sims in it and move them into a house. If you have a pre-existing sim and want to add another to that household, become friends with the second sim and use the "Ask to Move In" option when it becomes available. The only way to control more than one sim is to have them in the same household. You can (without mods) up to 8 sims in each household, but there are mods to make this higher.

How manys sims can you make on Sims 3?

I have the Sims 3. It is either 7, 8 , or 9. If you want to make sure go to create a sim and then just make random sims till you cant make anymore and count them. Please answer my question ( my username is queenmeme123) ( I think im 99.999999999999999999999999999999996% sure its 8) ~Kellie1 you can create 8 sims in create a sim in sims 3 It's 8 because the couple I made had six kids and it said that this is the maximum my household could be.