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Q: On the White Collar website what does GLARVENDKKGLL mean?
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What does 'Her face was as white as her lace collar' mean?

It means she was wearing a lace collar that was white, and her face was as white as the collar. Not literally, but it is being compared to it.

What does collar mean?

Name collar

What does el collar mean?

"El collar" translates to "the necklace" in English.

What does nombre collar mean?

Name collar

What does a blue-collar approach mean?

It means working on the shop floor of a factory - often as a manual worker or mechanic. It is seen as a rung below a white collar worker who is usually employed in an office.

What does alrededor del cuello mean?

around the collar ..... used as in 'your girlfriend is all over you' she is hanging around 'your collar' or it can simply mean (you have ring) around the collar depending on how you use it

What does wet under the collar mean?

It means your neck is wet. Perhaps you mean hot under the collar, which means angry.

In gay culture what does wearing a leather collar mean?

It means: "I'm wearing a leather collar."

What does iugum mean in latin?

Yoke, collar.

What are the disadvantages of white collar jobs?

White collar jobs are generally jobs that are salaried and include professional and office workers. These would include such professions a lawyers, bankers, investment consultants, accountants, architects, medical professionals, retailers, etc. On the other hand, blue collar job would include wage earners, such as construction workers, meat packers, landscapers, factory workers, agriculture workers, etc.

What does it mean to wear a clerical collar?

It means you are a minister.

What does zayn Arabic tattoo on his collar mean?

be true to who you are