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put the wall repair next to the bucket at the sand box then bring a person to the bucket then wait but u hav to keep bringing the person to the bucket or it will dry up.

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Q: On the virtual families app for the ipod how do use the wall repair compound?
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How do you repair on virtual families on the iPod Touch?

just exit out of the game and go back on and it wont be there anymore

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You toutch the light switch

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Can you have twins on virtual families lite for iPod touch?

Yes I have had twins and you can have triplets

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I you are talking about the game on an iPod/iPhone then no

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Virtual families for iPod iTouch and iPad.

How do you save in the app virtual families for iPod Touch?

You don't save it you just press the button on the iPod and it saves automatically.

How many kids can you have on virtual families lite?

If for iPod touch on only 1 child sorry

Are there any apps for ipod like the sims?

Well, there is Virtual families, Virtual Villagers(4 of those) and they can be free and paid. There are two versoins! HOPE THIS HELPS!

Virtual families Ipod touch Can your virtual people have half siblings?

They can if: the couple has a baby one spouse dies the other get remarried(and isn't to old!) The new couple has kids

Is there a simulation family game on the iPod like a sequel to The Oregon Trail or a style of pioneering but not Virtual Families or Virtual Villigers or the Sims?

Not really! I really enjoy those types of games and I know you said not virtual families or sims but personally I think they are the best. I have virtual families and most of sims 3. They are the best I think.Sorry I couldn't be more helpful!! 😄😃😊

How do you increase virtual people energy on virtual families?

if you are talking about the virtual families on the ipod the you just keep giving them the green gloves but if u are on about the one on the computer i dont know its probably the same