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Yes they can.

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Q: On twitter if your updates are protected can other users see the at messages you send them?
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What does the padlock mean on twitter accounts?

It means they have protected their updates. In other words, it is a privacy setting that allows only the people who follow them (which they have approved) to see all their Twitter updates.

What is following on Twitter?

Following on Twitter simply means you're are watching for updates on a certain person's account. When two people follow each other, they can send direct messages as well.

Can we chat on Twitter like facebook?

You are free to chat to other users on Twitter by sending them tweets or direct messages.

How do you get a twitter and what does it do?

Twitter is like myspace or facebook. You can follow people's updates. Say if Selena says 'Just finished picking out the picture for my album' if you are following her you can see that she wrote that. You can either reply or favorite the update or none. If someone is following you and you are following them you become friends and you can send messages to each other.

If you are using Windows XP what is a good application to download to give you Twitter updates?

Twhirl is a free downloadable application that runs on Adobe Air. It connects to your Twitter account (and some other services) and gives you audible updates. It also lets you post to Twitter.

What does the term twitter mean in technology?

Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that allows its users to send and read other users' updates. Source: FiberStore

How are people using Twitter?

Twitter is a microblogging service that allows people to post short updates about what they are doing. Naturally, this has grown to include much more than simple status updates. Today, people use Twitter to connect with other like-minded individuals, to market their businesses, to get the word out on important events and programs and organize meetups, among many other uses.

What is exact meaning of Twitter?

The official definition is: Twitter is a social networking and microblogging service, owned and operated by Twitter Inc., that enables its users to send and read other user messages called tweets.

What can you do at Twitter?

Twitter is a website that you can use to share status updates with friends and family, along with others. You can integrate other sites like Facebook and MySpace so that when you post an update at one of this website, it also updates at other. Twitter is a quick and fast way to stay updated. Besides just friends, you can get updates on many things that you enjoy, from news, to gossip, and updates with software. According to Twitter's homepage it is: Twitter is a service for friends, family, and co-workers to communicate and stay connected through the exchange of quick, frequent answers to one simple question: What are you doing? Tweeting is known as a way of micro-blogging where you share tidbits of information about what you are doing as opposed to a full blog post where you can share much more information. Twitter posts are limited to 140 characters. Many people use it to post links to their blogs or to give quick-hitting updates of what they're up to at the moment.

What do people tweet about on Twitter?

People tweet shout outs to other friends and family on twitter and post latest status and updates about what's going on. They can even post pics and videos for others to watch.

Can you write on someones twitter profile that you are following?

No you can't, but if that person is following you too, you can send private messages to each other.

How do you chat on Twitter?

Twitter can be used for chatting. The way it works is that everyone in the chat is using a certain keyword (called a hashtag) in all their tweets. The applications are then grabbing all the tweets with that hashtag from Twitter and displaying them for the people who are part of the chat. Be careful though because your tweets are also going out to all the people who are following you.