

On what two continents do lions live?

Updated: 9/24/2023
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7y ago

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Lions are found in parts of Africa and parts of Asia.

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On which continents do lions live?

Lions are found in parts of Africa and parts of Asia.

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Africa and Asia are both continents thatn have both lions and elephants.

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Coyotes and lions live on different continents so they never meet in the wild.

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No. Barbary lions and grizzlies live on two separate continents, thus they will never ever meet each other to commit any harm to each other.

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Jaglions lions can only be found in captivity! There are no jaglions in the wild as jaglions are the offspring between the lion & the jaguar, Lions & jaguars live on different continents & would never come into contact in the wild! So in order for them to produce hybrid offspring together, they would have to be housed together in captivity!

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Armadillos are native to North and South America. Even though armadillos are native to these two continents, they are not found in every region of these continents.

Were does a lion usually live?

Lions can be found in only two places in the world right now. In the jungles of Africa where the African Lions live and in the Jungles of India where the Asiatic Lions live. Apart from these two places you cannot find wild lions. However, zoo's worldwide have lion species as well.

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Africa and somewhere else.

On which two continents do jaguars live?

North and South America

Where are lions normally found?

Lions can be found in only two places in the world right now. In the jungles of Africa where the African Lions live and in the Jungles of India where the Asiatic Lions live. Apart from these two places you cannot find wild lions. However, zoo's worldwide have lion species as well.

Do lion live in packs?

Lions do not live in packs but live in groups known as prides. A pride of lions usually consists of five or six lionesses and one or two male lions along with their combined cubs.