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Q: One car travels at an average speed of 48 miles per hour A slower car travels an average speed of 36 miles per hour how many more miles per hour does the faster car travel than the slower car?
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Does sound travel 4 times faster in liquid?

No it actually travels slower.

If one car travels at an average speed of 48 miles per hour A slower car travels an average speed of 36 miles per hour how many more miles per hour does the faster car travel than the slower car?

The faster car travels at 48 miles per hour The slower car travels at 36 miles per hour 48mph - 36mph = 12mph Therefore, the faster car travels 12 miles per hour faster than the slower car. Note that the question refers to the relative speeds of the cars and not the relative distances.

Why does sound travel faster closer to the ground than in the air?

The stiffer meduim- travels quicker The denser the medium-travels slower

Does light travel faster in diamond or water?

Light travels slower through denser media, so it travels faster through water than through a diamond.

Does sound travel faster or slower through a solid than through air?

sound travels faster through a solid than through air

Does sound travel faster through a tree or air?

Air sound travels slower when going through a solid object

What travels faster P waves or S waves?

S-waves are stronger, but travel slower and can only travel through solids.

Does sound travel slower through air solids or liquids?

Sounds travels slowest in air and fastest in solids. Generally, sound travels faster through materials of higher densities.

What do sound waves travel the slowest solids liquids or gasses?

In fact, it travels faster, in a liquid, than in air.In fact, it travels faster, in a liquid, than in air.In fact, it travels faster, in a liquid, than in air.In fact, it travels faster, in a liquid, than in air.

Do sounds travel quicker or slower in more dense material?

sound travels faster in dense material like metal...for example train tracks....we can hear the train sound if u put your ear on the tracks.. Sound also travels faster in water than it travels in air.

Does light travel faster underwater than in air?

As compared to what? Compared to air, or to a vacuum, light travels quite a bit slower in water.As compared to what? Compared to air, or to a vacuum, light travels quite a bit slower in water.As compared to what? Compared to air, or to a vacuum, light travels quite a bit slower in water.As compared to what? Compared to air, or to a vacuum, light travels quite a bit slower in water.

Through what do seismic waves travel fastest?

seismic wave travels faster through solid rock and slower through water, but i dont know why!