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Power to veto legislation

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Q: One of the most effective weapons the president has to influence the content of legislation is the?
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Can the president influence the content of legislation before it is submitted for his signature?

The president does indeed have the ability to influence legislation before it is submitted for his or her signature. The president can attempt to persuade members of Congress privately, and/or the president can take his or her case directly to the American people, and hope citizens with pressure their congressperson.

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Cybersitter is an effective filter for filtering content for those who want to prevent children from accessing adult content. It is less effective for other purposes, such as ad blocking.

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A lobbyist is a person acting as an agent for a group seeking to bring about the passage or defeat of legislative bills, to influence the content of the bill, or to influence administrative action on a bill or piece of legislation. Lobbying is done at the state and national level. The term comes from the time when persons would meet the legislators in the lobby of the Capitol to express their views or to influence the officeholder.

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In general, content creators and owners support copyright legislation, as it almost always benefits them. A current supporter of copyright in the US is Utah Senator Orrin Hatch, who as a songwriter, is a member of ASCAP.

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The content of a bill can be changed at any time until it is approved by both houses of Congress. At that time it is sent to the president for approval. If the president vetoes the bill, it is again subject to change.

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