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One of the most farsighted provisions of the Northwest Ordinance was that it prohibited slavery in the Old Northwest. It was officially called An Ordinance for the Government of the Territory of the United States, North-West of the River Ohio.

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Q: One of the most farsighted provisions of the northwest ordinance of 1787?
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Why did Patrick Henry say he smelled a rat when he learned the plans to hold a convention in Philadelphia in may 1787 were his concerns justified?

Henry opposed the formation of a strong central (Federal) government, feeling the each state should govern themselves. Yes, his concerns were justified, as that convention created the US Constitution, and give rise to the Federal government he opposed.

What eats the brown recluse spider?

They are like all spiders- they eat insects. They much prefer to eat dead cockroaches and insects rather than alive ones, so killing their food is doing them a favor. Even if the cockroach or other insect is dead for about two months the Recluse spider will still eat them. Here are some good links about a Brown Recluse spider: (This one is about different spiders, including the Brown Recluse. So just go straight to the Recluse spider information or you can read about the different spiders and their bites) (Just click on the Brown Recluse spider, or any spider you want to know more about) (This is really good) (Teaches about spiders, so if you just wanna know about the Recluse just go down to that section) DO NOT, I REPEAT NOT! USE WIKIPEDIA! ANYBODY CAN JUST COME AND WRITE ANYTHING THEY WANT TOO. IF YOU DO USE IT, MAKE SURE ALL THE INFORMATION THERE IS ALL TRUE BY RESEARCHING WHAT THEY SAY!

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What was one of the most farsighted provisions of the northwest ordinance of 1787?

prohibited slavery in the old northwest

Farsighted provision of Northwest Ordinance 1787 prohibited what?

The Northwest Ordinance is also known as the Freedom Ordinance of 1787. It was an act of the Congress of the Confederation of the United States, which prohibited slavery in the Old Northwest.

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The Northwest Ordinance was passed in 1787.

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Yes, the northwest ordinance of 1787 prohibited slavery in the northwest territory.

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The Notrhwest Ordinace

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Yes, the Land Ordinance of 1787 required land taxes from the Northwest.

The Land Ordinance of 1787 required land taxes from the Northwest.?

Yes, the Land Ordinance of 1787 required land taxes from the Northwest.

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The most important element of the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 was they had passed the Northwest Territory because congress agreed on it.

What was the most importance element Of the northwest ordinance of 1787 why?

The most important element of the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 was they had passed the Northwest Territory because congress agreed on it.