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nevermind....i patched the egg with kleenex. It survived and it hatched last night....its name is Patches. =o) Small late incubation cracks can be mended with a piece of scotch tape. Just be sure to use the smallest piece of tape possible, as the shell of an egg needs to remain gas permeable for proper development. As a teacher, I used to remove a very small piece of shell and used a syringe to dye the chicks with a small amount of food coloring (with breeds like the Pekin) before they hatched. Students were always atounded to see green, red, pink and blue chicks emerge.

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Q: One of your duck egg accidentally got bumped and cracked on the air cell end of the egg on day 19 of incubation and you were wondering if the duck embryo could survive with a little dent on the shell?
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