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Q: One result of American imperialism is that many developing nations became banana republics. A banana republic was a nation?
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What does the federal republic and the republic have the same?

They are both republics

What countries are parts of republics?

There is the republic of Cuba, republic of Korea and the Dominican republic.

Does Lithuania have republics?

No, it IS a single republic.

What were Texas and Vermont before they became a part of the US?

They were independent republics.

What are the 5 republic of turkestan?

The republics of Turkestan include the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, the Altai Republic, and the Chuvash Republic. The Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic and the Sakha Republic are also the republics of Turkestan.

What is the length of rule for republic?

Republics do not have rulers.

What was the roman republics government?

As the name "Roman Republic" suggests, it was a republic.

Why is a republic a democracy?

Democracy means "rule by the people". Republic means "rule by elected officials". Since the officials in a republic are elected, it is a form of democracy. Not all democracies are republics (direct democracy is not), and not all "republics" are actually democracies ("Islamic republics", for example). The United States is a republic and representational democracy.

Is a republic is also a democracy?

Not, not all republics are democracies.

What are the republics of the UK?

The UK is a constitutional monarchy - not a republic.

What is the difference between the republic state and democratic state?

A republic state is one where the power lies with elected officials who represent the people, while a democratic state is one where the power lies directly with the people through processes like voting and referendums. In essence, all republics are democratic, but not all democratic states are republics.

When it come to size of the republic that they hoped to design for the American revolution what did 18th century Americans favored large or small republics?

small republics, because a limited geographic area would contain people who had interests in common.