

One rock that is dissolved by acid?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: One rock that is dissolved by acid?
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carbonic acid dissolves rock to form cavens, and dripstone is dissolved clcium corbonate in thr form of stalagmites/stalagtites

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Salicylic acid, like any other acid, would be dissolved in water.

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Hydronium ions are obtained when acid is dissolved in water.

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Carbon dioxide dissolved in water can be considered as an acid - carbonic acid, H2CO3.

How shale can be dissolved?

Shale can be dissolved in heated Hydroflouric Acid

How can sand be dissolved?

Sand can be dissolved that's correct.

What is produced when hydrofluoric acid is dissolved in water?

Hydrofluoric acid is already a solution of hydrogen fluoride dissolved in water.

Why is carbonic acid preferred to other acids in fizzy drinks?

- the carbonic acid (dissolved carbon dioxide in water) is not toxic - the carbonic acid (dissolved carbon dioxide in water) is not so corrosive - the carbonic acid (dissolved carbon dioxide in water) has a pleasant taste - the carbonic acid (dissolved carbon dioxide in water) is cheaper - the carbonic acid (dissolved carbon dioxide in water) is very simple to prepare and very accessible

What is carbonic acid and how does it effect rock?

Carbonic acid is what forms when carbon dioxide dissolves in water. It is a weak acid but will over time, dissolve many rocks, especially carbonates such as limestone. To see what a very weak solution can do over millions of years one only has to visit Carlsbad Caverns or other karst caves found throughout the world.