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abab bcbc cdcd ee rhyme scheme.

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rhyme scheme: abab bcbc cdcd ee

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Q: One way to identify the form of a Spenserian sonnet is by its?
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What is one form that is not a sonnet?

A haiku is a form of poetry that is not a sonnet. It consists of three lines with a syllable pattern of 5-7-5.

What is one element of sonnet form?

One element of sonnet form is its fixed structure, typically consisting of 14 lines written in iambic pentameter.

Which of these is not one form of a sonnet A Petrarchan B Italian C Shakespearean D Horatian?

Horatian is not a form of a sonnet. The Petrarchan, Italian, and Shakespearean are the three main types of sonnets.

What line structure is used in the last two lines of sonnet?

the yellow one

Is Why Brownlee left a sonnet?

No, "Why Brownlee Left" is not a sonnet. It is a poem by W. H. Auden that consists of 11 six-line stanzas written in a conversational, narrative style. The poem explores themes of loss, regret, and the passage of time.

What poetic form is the prologue presented in romeo and Juliet?

A prologue, or prolog, is an opening to a story that establishes the setting and gives background details, often some earlier story that ties into the main one, and other miscellaneous information. Prologue is not a poem.

One type of free verse is the sonnet?

Actually, the sonnet is a fixed poetic form with specific rhyme scheme and structure, typically consisting of 14 lines. Free verse, on the other hand, is poetry that does not follow a specific rhyme scheme or metrical pattern. So, the sonnet is not a type of free verse.

What form of poetry does Shakespeare use in the dialogue between Romeo and Juliet in their first conversation in act one scene five?

It's a sonnet.

How many lines does a Shakespeare Sonnet have?


What is the sonnet of a poem?

A sonnet IS a poem. Not a part in one. If you had just used google you'd of known that immediately.

What is another name for a petrarchan poem with a rhyming scheme abbaabba?

The rhyme scheme of a Petrarchan sonnet is abbaabba. It say's it in one of his books.

How many sonnets are in Shakespeare famous sonnet series?

There are at least three sonnets in Romeo and Juliet. The prologue to Act One is a sonnet, as is the prologue to Act Two. Romeo and Juliet also create a unique two person sonnet in Act One, Scene Five starting where Romeo says "If I profane with my unworthiest hand" (Romeo 1.5.91) and ending with "Then move not while my prayer's effect I take" (Romeo 1.5.104).