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Vertebral columns.

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Q: Only 5 percent of all animals have what structure?
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What structure do all animals have in common?

Cell walls !

What percent of the animals earth are capable of flight?

about 95% of all animals can fly.

What group of animals comprises about 5 percent of all animals?

Mammals - i am a bio teacher!

What does the word structure mean in the following sentence All but two percent of Antarctica's land structure is covered by ice?

In that sentence, you can replace the word structure with the word mass, so that the question reads:"All but two percent of Antarctica's land mass is covered by ice."

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Is 60 percent of the animals on earth invertebrates?

No, 95-97% of all animals on Earth are Invertebrates.

97 percent of all animals are?

More than 80 percent of the animal species are insects.

How can an animal's structure help it survive in different enviornments?

all this animals die every day it really doesnt matter how animals structure helps its survive in different enviornments

What percent of fat do animals need in their ration?

Not all animals should have fat in their diets (especially herbivores)

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almost one out of four 23 percent of all species of plants and animals are from which one country in the world?

Is cellulase a plant enzyme or an animal enzyme?

Cellulase is an enzyme found in herbivorous animals as it assists the breakdown of cellulose found in all plant matter.