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I'm not sure I fully understand the question. Operators and functions are not the same. However, many operators also have named alternatives implemented as functions, such that "add" is synonymous with the binary increment operator while "plus" is synonymous with the unary plus operator. However these are completely separate implementations that do the same thing such that the function implementation typically invokes the operator (with implicit inline expansion to factor away the unwanted function call). There is no way to determine the underlying function of an operator, nor the underlying operator of a function without having access to the implementation source code. Such implementation details cannot be accessed at compile time let alone runtime.

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Q: Operator original function in OOP C plus plus?
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Why is C plus plus is not a true OOP language?

C++ is based on C. C was not object oriented, therefore the language was not made to be object oriented and moreover C++ is not a "true OOP language". It is simply a non-OOP language with OOP functionality built onto it.

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The main features of OOP are the same regardless of the language. They are: encapsulation; data hiding; inheritance; and polymorphism.

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The concepts of OOP in C++ are the same as for OOP in any other programming language: abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism.

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JAVA is an Object Based Programming Language. it doesn't provide multiple inheritance and operator overloading. while Object Oriented Lanuages provides both.

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Why c plus plus is not ooplanguage?

C++ is an OOP language, so the question does not make sense. Please restate the question.

What is different of c language and c plus plus?

Primarily OOP support, but there are minor syntax difference. By and large anything you can do in C you can also do in C++.

Four new operators added by c plus plus that aids OOP?

The new operators in C++ (but not in C) are new, delete, compl, and, and_eq, not, not_eq, or, or_eq, xor, xor_eq, bitand and bitor. Of those only the first two can really be said to aid OOP. However, other keywords that specifically aid OOP include class, friend, mutable, private, protected, public and template.

What is the definition of seekg function in oop?

seekg sets the position of the get pointer in an input stream -- the point at which the next extraction will occur.

How do you get Thiruvalluvar University BCA questions for OOP in c plus plus?

Your best bet would be to contact the university directly.