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The placenta is where the material between mother and child, like nutrients and oxygen, travel from one to another.

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Q: Organ that passes materals between mother and developing embryo'?
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A mammal embryo is the developing baby inside the mother.

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I believe it is called an embryo

The developing embryo receives nutrients and oxygen from the mother's?


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the developing embryo is nourished by yolk

What is the genetic relationship between the embryo and the host mother?

An embryo shares half of the genetic pattern of the mother. HOWEVER- you said HOST mother. In the case of a fertilized egg implanted in a mother that did NOT donate the egg, then there is no genetic relation between embryo and host mother.

What is the highly vascular structure that acts as a communication between the mother and the embryo?

The highly vascular structure that acts as a communication between the mother and the embryo is called the placenta.

What is the highly vascular structure that acts as communication between the mother and the embryo?

The chorion is the outer membrane surrounding the embryo that is continuous with the placenta, the highly vascular structure that acts as a physical communication between the mother and the embryo.

Where do direct blood and nerve connections between mother and embryo occur?

It never occurs, direct blood and nerve connections between the mother and the embryo never occur.

Are the blood vessels of a developing pig embryo physically joined with the mother's blood vessels?

The aorta, arteries, and the veins.

Where does the name placentals come from?

placenta which is between the mother and the embryo.

What supplies food and oxygen for the developing embryo?

The developing embryo is nourished by the yolk sack until implantation. Upon implantation the placenta begins to develop, the placenta acts as the fetal lung , it transports oxygen to the fetus and carbon dioxide away from the fetus via the umbilical cord. The placenta also provides stored carbs for the developing fetus.

What is the role of the chorion?

The chorion is one of the membranes that exist during pregnancy between the developing fetus and mother. It is formed by extraembryonic mesoderm and the two layers of trophoblast and surrounds the embryo and other membranes.