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Q: Organism that eat both plants and animals?
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What is it when you eat meat and vegetables?

An organism that eats both plants and animals is an omnivore.

What organism may eat plants animals or both to obtain energy?

"omnivores" - like us and rats.

Organism that eats plants?

A herbivore is an animal that eats no meat, an omnivore eats plants and meat, and a carnavore eats only meat.

Animals the eat both plants and animals?

Animals that eat both plants and animals are called omnivores.

What kinds of animals eat both plants and flesh of other animals?

Animals that eat plants and flesh They are an omnivore if they eat both plants and flesh.

Organism that eats plant and animal?

Yes, I can't say we are omnivores, (maybe we are), but just an example an omnivore is kind of like people They eat both animals and plants. (In our case, meat and veggies and stuff). So, we are basically omnivores ourselves as well.

Which organism are herbivore?

Herbivores are animals that eat only plants.

Which organism eat only plants?

Herbivores are organisms that eat only plants. They have specialized digestive systems that allow them to break down the cellulose in plant material for energy. Examples of herbivores include cows, rabbits, and deer.

An organism that eats other organisms?

An organism that eats another organism in order to live is called a consumer. If they eat plants they are a herbivore, If they eat animals they are a carnivore, If they eat both plants and animals they are an omnivore.the organism that eats the other is called the predator, the animal being eaten is called the prey.

What kinds of animals are omnivore?

They are animals that eat both plants and other animals.

What is omnivore of definition?

Omnivores are animals that eat both plants and meat. An animal that feeds on both plants and animals An animal that feeds on both plants and animals An animal that feeds on both plants and animalsAnimals which eat both plants and flesh of other animals .For example-crow,bear etc.

What animals eat both plants and animals?
