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Cartilage of joints

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Q: Osteoarthritis may develop as a result of mechanical stress on the?
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The main effect of applying mechanical stress to bones is?

main effect of mechanical stress

What is the difference between mechanical stress and thermodynamic stress?

Mechanical stress is due to the resistance offered by various materials against physical distortion or damage. Thermal stress is caused due to the expansion of materials due to the variations in temperature with respect to reference value.

What is osteoarthritis of the lumbar spine?

Osteoarthritis of lumbar spine (low back) is a very common form of arthritis that is commonly called "wear and tear" arthritis since it is usually due to the kind of stressful things that happen to people as they go through life (falls, heavy and awkward lifting, prolonged standing, prolonged forward flexion, pregnancy, poor posture, etc.). Osteoarthritis can affect any joint in the body, but is especially common in the lumbar spine because so much mechanical stress is applied to this area of the spine during the course of the and by most activities. Another term for lumbar osteoarthritis is lumbar spondylosis.

What is a stress fraction?

You might be thinking of a stress fracture; a fracture of a bone caused by repeated (rather than sudden) mechanical stress.

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Performing better as a result of stress is an example?

everyday stress

What is a pull a pull and a twist all examples of?

They are all mechanical stresses. Push is a compressive stress. Pull is a tensile stress and Twist is a type of shear stress.

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Bone remodeling in adults is regulated and directed mainly by?

Mechanical stress and PTH

What control bone remodeling?

Mechanical stress and hormones control bone remodeling.

Bone constantly remodels and redistributes its matrix along lines of?

Mechanical stress

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