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  • Other words for long are 'lengthy' or 'elongated.'
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Q: Other words for long
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What are other words to describe long?

What are other words to describe long Are tall and long

What are long words with other words inside?

compound words eg cupboard - cup+ board

Does pry have a long e sound?

The word pry does not have the long e sound. It does have a long i sound though. Some other words like that are why, shy, and guy. There are other words where the y does have the long e sound, like candy or sandy.

What are words that have a long a sound and a short a sound?

There are compound words such as paymaster that have both a long A and a short A. Also some words with a short A plus a long A formed by a silent E, such as activate and accelerate. Other words that have both a long and short A: ashtray (short/long) playback (long/short)

Does flight have a long I sound?

Yes, The word has a long I (flyt), as do other words ending in -ight.

What words with the long a sound are spelled like steak?

Some words with the long a sound spelled like steak are: break, great, and straight.

What words have the same vowel sound as moon?

Words with a long OO (long U) include the rhyming words spoon, balloon, baboon, loon, and soon. Other long OO words are boom, two, tomb, and plume.

What are some long e words with e alone?

He , be, and we are all examples of long e with no other vowels.

Does great have a long a sound?

Yes. It is a word that has the EA pronounced as a long A (as in grate), as well as the words steak and break (stake, brake). The other words are -ear words pronounced as "air" (caret A).

Is bright a long I word?

Yes. It has the long I (bryt) like other -IGHT words, fight, light, and right.

What are the 11 letter words?

The words proprietary and tambourines are eleven letters long. Other common words are: accessories, adventurous, confections, genetically and measurement.

Does arrive have a long i?

Yes, the word 'arrive' does have the long 'i' sound. Some other words that have the same long 'i' sound are five, hike, and line.