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If this helps just one person I'll be happy. I began getting cramps in my legs and feet years ago, I've tried drinking more water, stretching and taking supplements such as calcium and potassium. Nothing seemed to work, and the pain was getting excruciating. At night my feet would go into such extreme spasms that my big toe would visibly pull away from my other toes. These spasms have lasted up to four hours at night, alternating from one foot to the other, and leaving me exhausted. The solution is a Golf ball. Using a golf ball as a massage implement has helped tremendously. Sit down, put the ball under your foot and start rolling. I've found it not only helps the foot spasms I experience, but it also helps the leg spasms that I've suffered with for so long. I've also discovered that I can actually feel knots in my feet as I'm rolling the ball around. Your feet will be extremely sore for a couple of days after you use it the first time, but there will be a huge improvement. Don't forget to drink water, it's important. I drink a full glass around 6:00PM so I'm well hydrated through the night. Good luck!

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Q: Over the last few months my grip as weakened I also have muscle spasms and cramps regularly Can anyone please advise?
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there, No, you dont usually have cramps when you go on the pill, the pill should prvent the cramps...if you have had unprotected sex before going on the pill, i strongly advise you stop taking it and take a pregnancy test as cramping is 1 or the most common signs of early pregnancy as is spot bleeding, headaches back ache ect ect, if it turns out that you are not pregnant then seek advice from your doctor as to why you are having the cramps from taking the pill!

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I'm an RN, never heard of anyone complain of leg cramps with Coumadin. However leg cramps, redness swelling or tenderness in the calves can be signs of a DVT (blood clot in the leg). Probably your best bet would be to consult your doctor and rule out anything serious.

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Most methods for preventing leg cramps while pregnant are the same as when not. Avoid standing or sitting cross-legged for long periods of time, exercise and stretch them regularly during the day, and avoid dehydrating and getting tired.

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Yes they do.. thay do not get period cramps but they can get muscle cramps.

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Muscles tend to cramp up if they are not used regularly. Stretch out your muscles that are cramping once a day and you should be alright.

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